Sky Ferreira fala sobre seu novo álbum, “Masochism”

Novidades do disco devem ser apresentadas neste ano


Desde que revelou o título de seu segundo álbum, em abril do ano passado, Sky Ferreira se manteve em relativo silêncio sobre as novidades da obra. Nesta semana, a moça resolveu falar um pouco mais sobre Masochism e sobre sua demora em uma publicação no Instragram.

“Eu sei que estou sendo bem vaga sobre a minha música, então eu agradeço a paciência de alguns de vocês”, diz Sky, que continua, “Eu estou trabalhando nele o tempo todo e em 2016 vocês ouvirão ele”.

Ferreira ainda diz, “Eu me recuso a lançar qualquer coisa que não seja honesta. Não é algo que eu possa forçar […] Eu não quero lançar uma música que não seja verdadeira ou mostrar uma mensagem que eu não queira no universo”.

O disco de estreia da cantora, Night Time, My Time, foi lançado em 2013.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Instead of writing some giant personal post…I’m just going to say the solid points: Appreciate & love the people who are supportive & make a positive influence. Take care of yourself physically & mentally. Health is KEY! Change is good. Life is valuable/incredible. Fear will forever hold you back. Misery & getting fucked up aren’t productive or helpful when it comes to being creative (folklore lol). This is corny & I spent the last 2 minutes trying to say this another way but…you can only “free yourself”. I know most of you already know & understand all of this stuff. Same here…but I wasn’t actually doing it for a while. Now that I felt all of it (good & bad) it actually means something to me. My ❤️❤️❤️ for anyone that has or is experiencing any pain this year. I also know I’ve been really vague about my music so I appreciate the patience from some of you. I’ve been working on it the whole time & in 2016 you will hear it.I refuse to put out something that isn’t honest. It’s not something that I can force out. If I was to do it any sooner I either would have been compromising myself & anyone listening. I would have had to put out music that wasn’t true or a message I would not want to put out into the universe. As personal as my music is…the thing that lasts longer than I ever will is my actual “work”. I get the rare opportunity to have people listen & connect to it.I personally think with that comes a responsibility of making something that’s still true to me but still can somehow make someone feel better or less lonely. I can’t do that lying through my teeth.Needs to be the pretty/ugly/everything/nothing. For me, music (as a listener) was the most consistent & personal thing in my life that has helped me or healed me in every situation,to some capacity. If I even have a “goal”…it is to help do that for someone. Straight up. So THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!I’m so lucky to have friends & family that have been so supportive & kind lately. I’m also so happy that I’ve recently met/know people that have influenced my life in such a positive way. They probably aren’t even away of it. Be creative & healthy. CHEERS! BE SAFE 2NIGHT❤

A photo posted by Sky Ferreira (@skyferreira) on


ARTISTA: Sky Ferreira
MARCADORES: Novo álbum


Apaixonado por música e entusiasta no mundo dos podcasts